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10 interesting political events that changed the world.
10 interesting political events that changed the world. History is a subject which teaches us a lot from which we get to learn what we should do as a state, as a country, what we should not do, what is right and what is wrong for our people. And most importantly, how should our international relations be? History teaches us a very important lesson that how all civilizations have to live together in harmony and that it is very important that people are living together.
Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus, who was a traveler, had a dream and to fulfill this dream, he started his journey in 1492 AD. At the end of the journey, he discovered America. Christopher Columbus set out with three ships, whose names were Santa Maria, Pinta, Nina. Many other people also joined Columbus in this journey, who loved adventurous travel.
They left the Windward Islands of Europe and started their journey to America. On October 12, 1492, for the first time, Columbus’s team realized that the dream was coming true and reached a small island group. This work done by Columbus became immortal in history, after this gradually a country like America was established there.
Publication of Martin Luther King’s 95 thesis
Martin Luther King published some of his 95 theses on October 31, 1517 This event was named the Reformation because there was something in his 95 theses that he wanted the church to eliminate or reform. Martin Luther King did this research because he wanted that whatever objectionable work was being done within the church in the name of religion should either be stopped or it should be reformed, although all the churches at that time were against this work. and they tried hard to stop it. 10 interesting political events that changed the world.
Hitler becoming chancellor
Adolf Hitler, who was the Chancellor of Germany, took charge on 30 January 1933. As we all know that Adolf Hitler worked for a Nazi party but in the elections of 1932, his party got the maximum number of votes due to which he was able to sit on the post of Chancellor.
It is noteworthy that the President had a big role in Hitler becoming the Chancellor, but in the coming times, Hitler did not even leave the President and after that he became the most powerful President of Germany. This was an incident due to which the history of Germany went to a new level which will always be remembered in history. 10 interesting political events that changed the world.
Germany’s invasion of Poland
To create a German nation, Hitler and the people of the Nazi Party had planned to attack the whole of Europe. They believed that only those people who adopt the German way of life would live in Germany.
Germany started attacking Poland on 1 September 1939, in which they crossed the Polish border very quickly and launched a very dangerous attack on Poland.
This was possible only because Germany had a powerful army. And his method of warfare was quite modern, with the help of which he increased his attack towards Poland very rapidly. It is noteworthy that in view of this, on 17 December 1939, the Soviet Union also attacked Poland. 10 interesting political events that changed the world.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear attack
In the history of the world, 6 and 9 August 1945 are two such historical days in which for the first time a nuclear attack was carried out on a country by another country because on this day America dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan.
The impact of which was quite dire and thousands of people died and what’s more, After this, all the people who remained alive due to radiation , Most of them also suffered from diseases like cancer. On 6 August 1945, this attack was carried out by America on Hiroshima. This attack was carried out on Nagasaki on 9 August 1945. As a result, Japan accepted defeat on 15 August 1945.
9/11 attack
In the history of America, a historical event took place on September 11, 2001, which was named 9/11 because on this day a suicide attack was carried out by the Al Qaeda terrorist organization on the World Trade Center in New York City. This center included two tall buildings.
Nearly 3,000 people were killed in this attack, which led to a mass movement and protest against terrorism across the world. After this attack, the United States started the war against terrorism and also started taking a very strict action against terrorist organizations.
World War 2 and India’s independence
Although the Second World War and India’s independence are two separate events, these two events are related to each other and the relationship between the two has been very important.
This war took place between two groups, one of which was the Allies and the other was the Axis.
Now, because at that time India was ruled by the British Empire, India was a part of the British Empire, hence Indian soldiers were also included in the British service and they also took active part in the Second World War because it was felt that if the Indians fought in the World War If they support the British they will get freedom.
But some historians believe that the Second World War is just another important point behind India’s independence because the way the British Empire suffered huge losses after the Second World War. They were not in a position to run any of there colonies smoothly, due to which they decided to liberate India.
Destruction of Nalanda University
The destruction of Nalanda University is a very important historical event because at that time Nalanda University was an important educational institution of the world where more than 90 lakh books were kept, which mainly contained the teachings of Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Vedanta.
The entire credit for the destruction of Nalanda University goes to the Muslim commander Bakhtiyar Khilji because it was Bakhtiyar Khilji who attacked Nalanda and after destroying it, built a mosque there where he started giving teachings of Islam only to the people.
The destruction of Nalanda University is a major reason for the destruction of a cultural and educational sector because there were more than 90 lakh books based on various subjects, in which there were many important collections like politics and Ayurveda etc.
Establishment of Mughal Empire in India
India has been a world leader since a long time. Because of India, the trade of the whole world has opened up very well, that is why India was also called the golden bird, but there came a time when this golden bird also got evil eyes.
Because the slavery of India started from the time Islamic invaders started attacking India. Within about 100 to 200 years, there came a time when the Mughals had control over the entire India and the Mughals had an authority over the entire Indian economy, due to which the Mughals exploited the Indian economy.
The Indian economy was affected in such a way that it proved to be a big blow to India. The Mughals brought about not only political but also literary changes, due to which many old temples of India were demolished and mosques were built in their place. It is also said that the seeds of casteism were sown in India by the Mughals.
Formation of the Jewish state of Israel
Israel, which is a Jewish majority country, was established on 14 June 1948. A plan for its partition was made by the United Nations in 1947. After this, Palestine was established as two countries, one Palestine and the other Israel.
The Arab-Israeli war also started due to the establishment of Israel, the main reason for which was mutual discrimination. But despite all the problems, because of the passion shown by Israel and the qualities of development, today Israel is a very prosperous country and is also one of the most powerful countries in the world.