5 Differences between Running and Walking, What Should You Do Daily to keep yourself super healthy ?

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Running and Walking are the type of daily aerobic activity done with the help of co-ordination of all muscles of the body in a way that a person moves forward in a normal way, without falling down. During this activity of walking, people use their muscles of the body to maintain the balance during walking, which strenghthens the muscle and prevents any contracture in the muscle.

5 Differences between Running and Walking

Running and walking both are almost same form of activity but running involves the more harshed use of the movements and the intensity is increased in a way that the person can do it in a fast way. Actually Running is more intensed form of walking.

5 Differences between Running and Walking

  • During the time of running, both of the feets can come in the air together just opposite to the walking where atleast one foot was on the ground to support and balance the body.
  • The main difference between running and walking is the ‘intensity’, which is more in running and less during walking and it causes the main differences on the effects of these on our body.
5 Differences between Running and Walking
  • If you are walking daily, then it will keep your cardiovascular health very good and the blood circulation in the body will be maintained to keep you fresh for the whole day
  • Walking will only involve the gentle and weight bearing exercise of the body, but to increase the strength and power of your muscles, Running is the perfect activity.
  • If the patient have problem in his/her joints, then he/she will not be able to perform the running and there comes the role of walking which involves low imact, weight bearing activity.
5 Differences between Running and Walking

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Effects of Running and Walking on human body

  • Walking on daily basis improves the health of heart and keeps it in fluent working condition. Running improves the strength of the heart which ultimately improves the blood circulation.
  • Both of these activities contribute in overall fitness and running improves the intensity because running is considered to be a higher intensity workout and it leads to faster improvements in cardiovascular fitness.
5 Differences between Running and Walking
  • If compared to walking, running can burn more calories then walking and that’s why if you want to burn your calories, you have to start running daily for a few miles.
  • Improve in blood circulation keeps your body active and fresh which ultimately improves your daily productivity.
5 Differences between Running and Walking
  • Running is a high intensity weight bearing exercise which involves the joints and bones, which improves overall bone density. Walking is also same as running but the impact is quite low during walking if compared to running.

Running And Walking are both different intensity workout and involves all muscles and bones. Both of these improves the overall cardiovascular health and strength of bones and soft tissues. Good Blood circulation keeps you healthy, fit and active during your daily life activities.

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