Illuminati a secret and mysterious society , 1 powerful conspiracy

Illuminati a secret mysterious society

Illuminati There are many things in such a big world, some which we know, some which we do not know at all and some which we do not know even after knowing and we call those things mystery. One such mystery is called Illuminati. It is said that Illuminati is a secret organization which is trying to increase its influence in the whole world in some way.

Some people consider this secret society to be a complete lie but some people call it true. It is said that Illuminati includes some powerful people who want to change the map of the entire world by using their power. Sometimes even big personalities of a country are included in the Illuminati but that is a completely baseless claim.
But it is also worth noting that Illuminati is said to be an organization which only sees its own benefits in the conspiracy and also tries to bring changes in the government and economy only through the secret society.

secret society

It even tries to shape global events to its advantage and has ideas that only benefit someone even if someone else is harmed. Although many people call all these facts told about Illuminati as baseless and baseless, yet many people believe that Illuminati is a secret and all-powerful organization, but despite many researches Till now no concrete information has been gathered about Illuminati.

Sometimes this secret society is also seen to be linked with the 9 Navratnas of Ashoka. It is said that in today’s time, Illuminati plays an important role in all the elections etc. held in the world, but there is lack of evidence. Because of this, no claims can be evaluated as if they were absolutely true.

Critical thinking, fact checking and reliance on reliable sources become essential when evaluating such claims.

The concept of this secret society has evolved over time and at some places it has taken the form of a cultural phenomenon, but still there are many facts about this secret society which no one has been able to know till date.
And there are some things which a man tries to remain ignorant of even after knowing them or even after knowing them he is unable to understand them completely and remains ignorant.

There are some points in these things about which you must read.


Cultural context

This secret society is a concept that has been popularized in literature, music and films and it has been deliberately given so much popularity in order to draw people’s attention to it, while some artists and creators have also used the ideas of Illuminati as a subject for their work. or sometimes add an Illuminati angle to tell an artistic story


Just like any country has a flag and any country’s currency has a symbol, similarly this secret society also has a symbol which is an eye surrounded by a triangle.
This symbol has had many meanings throughout history, including religious and social, but is sometimes seen in conspiracy theories as evidence of Illuminati influence.

Internet and Social Media

In today’s time, just as we search anything on the Internet, we get information about it, whenever we see anything, we get complete information about it, similarly, there is a lot of information available on the Internet about this secret society too.
But it is completely incomplete about it because no one has yet got so much information about Illuminati, for many people it still remains a mystery and some people do not even believe in it.

But still the name of this secret society is widely spread on the internet and social media, due to which people are very curious to know about it.


Conspiracy theories

The Illuminati is said to be an organization that intervenes in global events, such as political decisions or social change. Its principles often include the idea that

To control the whole world, this secret society can also influence the government and influence some major events and to do all this, this secret society is doing it very secretly and hiding their identity from everyone.

Historical origin

There is no concrete evidence on the origin of this secret society but there are many such stories about it which can force one to believe in it. Some say that:

Founded by Adam Bicep, it was an organization that worked secretly. Some say that it was an organization of 9 people established by Emperor Ashoka, which used to keep and maintain different types of knowledge.


Some people believe that this organization was born as early as Ashoka and some people believe that it had ended by 1780, but still there are so many facts about this secret society that there is doubt about its end.

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