XI jinping visits biden for summit aims 4 mega powerful projects ?

XI jinping visits biden for summit Chinese President Mr. Jinping has recently gone to America to participate in a summit in which it is being said that he can also have a special meeting with US President Joe Biden and his objective is clear that he wants that China has to regain its previous image.

XI jinping visits biden for summit aims 4 mega powerful projects ?
XI jinping visits biden for summit aims 4 mega powerful projects ?

XI jinping visits biden for summit

Because the humiliation that China faced after Covid and the loss of credibility of China is not good for China and because of this, China and the citizens of China are also suffering a lot of loss.
And China wants that the losses it had to suffer during the Covid period, the insults it had to face during the Covid period and the trust issues that it faced during the Covid period should end by any means and the relationship it had before with America and Russia and become the same again with the rest of the countries.

Main issue of china

XI jinping visits biden for summit aims 4 mega powerful projects ?
XI jinping visits biden for summit aims 4 mega powerful projects ?

Because at the time of Covid, there came a time when many companies, which are multinational companies, were closing their business from China and were starting business in other countries, due to which China was incurring huge losses.

It is also absolutely true that ever since the breakout of Covid-19, there have been continuous allegations against China that it is entirely China’s fault and the credibility of China is continuously decreasing in the whole world. But it was not so because earlier China was the first choice of businessmen for setting up any business, but this untoward incident that has happened due to Covid-19 can take China back a lot.

Major aim to fulfill

XI jinping visits biden for summit aims 4 mega powerful projects ?
XI jinping visits biden for summit aims 4 mega powerful projects ?

But the way China is trying to improve its image, it seems that perhaps in some time investment will start coming back to China and all the traders and all the countries will start trusting China again but For this to happen, this submission is very important in which China is going right now, which is happening in America and it has also been said by the sources that perhaps in this submission, there can be a face to face agreement between China and US President Joe Biden.

The way relations between China and America are shown, it seems as if America and China are completely opposed to each other. But in this submission that is happening in America, it is being said that if there is any agreement between Xi Jinping and Joe Biden, then the relationship between them can be good.
And maybe it is also possible that China and America, forgetting the old things, start doing some project together because this can also be a way to bring China’s economy back on track.
If a superpower like America also supports China, it will be much easier for China to regain its old image.

Effects on geopolitics

XI jinping visits biden for summit aims 4 mega powerful projects ?
XI jinping visits biden for summit aims 4 mega powerful projects ?

But the world should not forget that the enmity between China and America is very old and if these two countries come together then it is possible that if things do not work out then this enmity will become even deeper and the world will see a conflict between China and America.

But it is hoped that there can be consultation between China and America and trade can also increase between them because it is beneficial for both, as we have seen in the last few days that America also has debt. It is America’s responsibility to pay it and we all know the situation of China, so if this thing works then both China and America can come back on track.

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