World war 3 may start if israel hamas war expand

World war 3 may start if israel hamas war expands
World war 3 may start if israel hamas war expands

World war 3 may start if israel hamas war expand

World war 3 may start if israel hamas war expands Looking at the war between Israel and Hamas, it seems that this war will stop only after the destruction of one of the two, either Hamas will be destroyed or Israel will suffer a lot, but the way the war is going on at the moment, the way the superpowers As America, Russia, Iran, Britain etc. are coming in support of different parties, it seems that this war will drag on for a long time and will not stop until either Hamas is destroyed or there is an agreement between Israel and Hamas.

Because it is very difficult to destroy a country like Israel, but Hamas has always tried to destroy Israel and merge it with Palestine.

World war 3 may start if israel hamas war expands
World war 3 may start if israel hamas war expands


The whole world is watching this war between Hamas and Israel very closely because if a world war starts because of this war, which seems almost possible that if the superpowers join hands in this then it can also be a world war because Muslim countries are mostly in support of Palestine but America is in support of Israel etc. and all these countries are almost powerful with nuclear power and if nuclear war happens then it is a sign of world war and if world war happens then then The flame of destruction will flare up which cannot be stopped.

World war 3 may start if israel hamas war expands
World war 3 may start if israel hamas war expands

Possibility of world war 3

Let us know what is the possibility of a world war due to this war. If we look closely at the war, we will come to know that the neighboring countries of Israel are all Muslim countries and all the Muslim countries are supporting Palestine.

Now, because this war is taking place between Israel and Hamas, Hamas has created such a role that it seems that Hamas is fighting for the freedom of Palestine, but no one knows what kind of freedom that is because When a solution was given that two countries would be created here, Palestine had agreed, Israel had agreed, but now taking the same thing back, bringing it out again and making any rule, law or war on it again is absolutely right. No, because war leads to nothing but destruction.

World war 3 may start if israel hamas war expands
World war 3 may start if israel hamas war expands

Result prediction

There are continuous reports being given by the Israeli army that how they are working to root out Hamas and both the Israeli ground and air forces have worked very hard to capture a part of Gaza.
And recently the news has also come that Israel has captured the Parliament and the Rashtrapati Bhavan in Gaza. This is a very big thing because the capture of a Rashtrapati Bhavan and the Parliament means occupation of a country.

Although Israel is under pressure from all the Muslim countries around the world to stop this war, but Israel says that if it stops this war, it will show its cowardice because this war was started by Hamas.
So the initiative to stop the war should also be taken by Hamas.

But nothing like this is being done by Hamas because it not only does not want to stop, it is also continuously torturing the Israeli citizens whom Hamas has kept captive and if Hamas has to stop this war then it can peacefully release all the kidnapped Israeli citizens. release and apologize.

World war 3 may start if israel hamas war expands
World war 3 may start if israel hamas war expands

Support and opposition

Most of the Muslim countries around the world believe that the war carried out by Israel is not a retaliatory action, it is a direct genocide which is raining down on the people of Gaza and giving only pain and suffering to the Palestinian people.

But the point here also comes that when Hamas attacked with 5000 rockets on October 7, was there no genocide then? Does no country want to accept that the work done by Hamas was also wrong?
So if the action taken by Hamas is not wrong then you cannot call what Israel is doing wrong because this is just a reaction to the actions of Hamas which is being given by Israel and if this continues to happen then the world The possibility of war may also increase.

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