Israel slams UN secretary told him a hypocrite for supporting hamas [1 powerful statement]

Israel slams UN secretary told him a hypocrite for supporting hamas , Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdogan on Tuesday demanded the immediate resignation of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

Where is Gilad Erdogan that the UN Secretary General is showing such understanding towards the mass murder of children, women and elderly that he is not fit to lead the UN. He should resign immediately. He is also showing compassion towards those who commit genocide against Israel. He should not lead the United Nations

Israel slams UN secretary

Israel slams UN secretary
Israel slams UN secretary , Israel slams UN secretary , Israel slams UN secretary

Talking about the situation of war, there is also some news coming that a terrorist from Palestine decided to plant some explosive near Vartak check point due to which he felt that if I plant it then some Israeli soldiers will definitely be killed but A video posted on Twitter shows that the explosive he was planning to use to kill Israeli soldiers self-destructed.

On one side there is Israel and on the other side Hamas, both of them are continuously attacking each other but sometimes Hamas is also making some such claims from its side in which they want to show That Hamas has shot down an Israeli military helicopter with an anti-helicopter missile, which Israel has strongly rejected, saying that our Israeli military commander has directly denied this and has told that no such incident can happen. It hasn’t happened to us yet .

False claims by HAMAS

Israel slams UN secretary
Israel slams UN secretary , Israel slams UN secretary , Israel slams UN secretary

While making this claim, Hamas had also released a video which was going viral on Twitter in which it was shown how an IDF combat helicopter was shot down with a SAM S-7 service-to-air missile.

If we talk about international relations on the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, America is fully supporting Israel and it seems that at any time Israel may have to fight a war from both sides. Because it is possible that Hezbollah may also go to war against Israel and at that time Israel may have to fight from two sides, due to which Israel will have to suffer a lot, but it is also certain that if Hezbollah And Hamas launched its attack simultaneously, Israel will not leave them too and they will have to suffer more losses.

In many countries, citizens have come out in support of Palestine and are continuously supporting Palestine only and blaming Israel. They believe that what Israel is doing is completely wrong.
And they are also supporting the terrorist organization Hamas. According to them, the terrorist organization is fighting for Palestine, but we all can see that Hamas is not fighting for Palestine but only for Gaza.

Importance of ghaza

Israel slams UN secretary
Israel slams UN secretary , Israel slams UN secretary , Israel slams UN secretary

Because Hamas is the government in Gaza and Hamas does not want its control over Gaza to ever end, then it can also happen that Hamas is engaged in fulfilling its own objective only in the name of Palestine.
Because if this war was for Palestine, then it would definitely have the support of PLO, which is a political party of Palestine, but till now nothing like this seems to be happening, although that is a different matter. Even the PLO is terming Israel’s work as bad and the work of Hamas is being fully supported.

Hypocrite news media

Just a day or two ago, the news came that Israel had dropped a bomb on a hospital in Gaza, due to which more than 500 people with bodies inside the hospital had lost their lives.
But regarding this news, Israel says that when small children of Israel were killed and brutally murdered by Hamas, then any news agency had refused to publish this news without verification, but When this attack was carried out by Israel in which the hospital building collapsed, it is being published in the media without verifying it.

Israel slams UN secretary
Israel slams UN secretary , Israel slams UN secretary ,Israel slams UN secretary

A user on Twitter has said that Hamas is using its fuel reserves to launch rockets to cause destruction in Israel, but on the other hand, where there is no facility of any kind in the Gaza Strip, civilians are living in those hospitals. But if Hamas wants, it can supply this fuel to the hospital so that there can be electricity there, but nothing is more important to Hamas than killing Israelis.

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