What happens after death 1 mysterious question

[ What happens after death ] Once we met an Aghori Baba. Talked to him for a long time. He told us the story of a dead body that had stayed at the crematorium for a few days. Once upon a time, when a dead body was about to be burnt, she woke up.

What happens after death

What happens after death
What happens after death , What happens after death , What happens after death

Perhaps if he had been medically examined before taking him to the crematorium, this situation would not have happened, we thought to ourselves. Baba was telling that the people who came with him were very scared and were about to run away leaving the dead body. Baba explained and stopped him. That person told many strange and surprising things.

When he died, no white light or Yamraj or the horses of time or Jesus Christ even came to take him. He stood there for a long time, perhaps several hours. But he was not able to see any of his family members nor was he able to hear their voices. He was not able to even see his mortal remains.

Then after some time he regained consciousness and started roaming there. But the surprising thing is that it was not his house where he was roaming. It was a different world. Just empty space. He told that just like our world, there are many different dimensions and many worlds are hidden in them or perhaps we are hidden from them.

What happens after death
What happens after death , What happens after death , What happens after death

Where do person go after death

When someone dies and his time is over, he has to go to some other dimension and to this or some other world. If someone dies untimely, he remains trapped in some other dimension in this world until his time is over. Everything is a game of time. He saw many other creatures wandering aimlessly. These other creatures appear transparent in appearance. He also communicated with them. Not everyone has the power to communicate.

He told that when he moved a little further, at one place a sound of ‘Ummmm Gad Gad Gad Gad Ummm Gad Gad Gad Gad was heard. He tried hard to look but could not see anyone in front of him. It is said that many accomplished men and saints, whose time is not over, are performing penance there. And perhaps they are chanting Om.

These look terrible and not everyone can see them. According to him, he was wandering when suddenly he felt a pull. It felt as if someone was twisting it with full force and uprooting each cell with the force of vacuum and for a while he did not know what happened. Then his eyes opened.

We asked Baba many more questions. He answered some, but not some.

Whom do we call AGHORI BABA?

What happens after death
What happens after death , What happens after death , What happens after death

Aghori Baba is a saint who, in order to free himself from the cycle of birth and death, worships only his favorite deity and, renouncing all the pleasures and sorrows of the world, lives in isolation and does not have any specific food. There is neither time nor any fixed diet for them. They eat whatever they get. Yes, they are not prohibited from eating even human flesh. Some people believe that Aghori Baba really eats human flesh and drinks water from human skull.

Aghori Baba is usually found in the Himalayas. Whether there is snow there or unbearable heat, it does not matter to him and he spends his life there in great difficulty, but what makes it difficult for us is seems to be completely normal for him and he keeps his body completely free from pain and suffering.

It is also said in mythology that a Sadhu who is an Aghori has a special kind of attachment to his favorite deity and he can even talk to his favorite deity after reaching a higher level of consciousness and some people It is also believed that whatever blessing Aghori Baba gives is definitely successful or even if he curses in anger, it will definitely work .

What happens after death
What happens after death , What happens after death , What happens after death

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