IDF in hamas terrorist’s unerground tunnels , 4 day truce begins on a powerful note

IDF in hamas terrorist’s unerground tunnels A big news has emerged from the ongoing war between Hamas and Israel that some soldiers of the Israeli army have discovered the largest tunnel network under Al Shifa, a hospital running in the Gaza Strip.

IDF in hamas terrorist's unerground tunnels
IDF in hamas terrorist’s unerground tunnels

IDF in hamas terrorist’s unerground tunnels

They claim that the Israeli army has There is a tunnel network discovered under Alshifa hospital and as proof of this they have also spread the virus online by releasing the video of the tunnel. It is even being said by the Israeli army that this tunnel built under Al Shifa Hospital is the main office of Hamas and from here Hamas carries out all its terrorist activities. IDF in hamas terrorist’s unerground tunnels

It has been told by Israeli C that many basic facilities are also available inside the tunnel such as air conditioned rooms and kitchen, toilet and it also has a war room.

Video proof released by IDF

The Israeli Army has released a video showing how Hamas terrorists are carrying out their activities by building tunnels under the hospital and the common citizens are having to suffer the consequences.
Whether the citizens are Israeli or Palestinian, Hamas is wreaking havoc on both of them and is using the Palestinian citizens of Gaza as human shield so that they can escape from the Israeli soldiers and prove them wrong. IDF in hamas terrorist’s unerground tunnels

IDF in hamas terrorist's unerground tunnels
IDF in hamas terrorist’s unerground tunnels

Purpose of the underground tunnels

The Israeli Army has also said that the main purpose of Hamas in building a bunker under the hospital is that if Israel ever attacks that hospital, then Hamas can oppose it and can tell the whole world what Israel is doing has been doing wrong. IDF in hamas terrorist’s unerground tunnels

But if seen, then first of all Hamas has done wrong because if any terrorist organization makes its base under a hospital, then it is important for it to know that many innocent people also live inside the hospital and if anyone attacks the hospital, then innocent people will also die.

Furthur revealations

The Israeli army also told in the video that all the hostages kept by Hamas have been kept in one of the shafts of this tunnel because after going 100 meters further in this tunnel, there are two more shafts.
The Israeli Army told that all the tunnels we have found were made by Hamas to use the hospital as a shield so that Hamas can carry out its illegal activities and terrorist activities, that too by hiding behind the hospital. IDF in hamas terrorist’s unerground tunnels

IDF in hamas terrorist's unerground tunnels
IDF in hamas terrorist’s unerground tunnels

Claims made by IDF

It is also being claimed by the Israeli Army that Hamas had kept all its weapons inside THESE tunnels. The Israeli Army has told that the tunnel network of Hamas is so well and well built that the Israeli army can also use this tunnel from its security point of view. IDF in hamas terrorist’s unerground tunnels

Seeing the way all the convenient things are available in these tunnels, it seems that the terrorists live very luxuriously and outside, they portray themselves as suppressed and scared in front of their people. IDF in hamas terrorist’s unerground tunnels

In short, this tunnel built by Hamas is completely a part of Hamas’s personal agenda, which is to maintain control over Gaza.

IDF in hamas terrorist's unerground tunnels
IDF in hamas terrorist’s unerground tunnels

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