Top 8 international news today , ceasefire and one more terrorist killed by unknown man

Top 8 international news today

Top 8 international news today ,
Top 8 international news today , Top 8 international news today , Top 8 international news today , Top 8 international news today ,

Is hamas afraid of israel now

Top 8 international news today Given the way Hamas has decided that it will release Israeli hostages, some people are also speculating that hamas situation has become worse and it has no good material left to fight. And he wants to take advantage of the five-day halt in the war to assemble weapons to fight for himself and at the same time give some rest to his terrorists.

Hmas will release israeli citizens held captive

A good news coming from the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas is that today an agreement has been reached between Israel and Hamas that both Hamas and Israel will release each other’s hostages as soon as possible. It has also been said that it will release 50 Israeli citizens for every 150 Palestinian citizens.

Isarel will help gaza refugees

A big news coming from the Hamas-Israel war is that the war will stop for 5 days and in the meantime, Hamas will release 53 Israeli hostages, in the meantime Israel will also free about 300 Palestinian citizens. Meanwhile, Israel will also transport fuel and medicines in about 300 trucks to Gaza so that the innocent people there can be helped.

Top 8 international news today ,
Top 8 international news today ,

Ceasefire by israel for humanitararian purpose

A big news is coming in the war between Israel and Hamas that Israel and Hamas have announced to stop the war for 5 days, during which both Israel and Hamas can also do something else which will take both the countries towards peace. It may increase the awareness that Hamas is in support of Palestine and Israel is in support of its existence.


With the help of the 5-day pause in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, Israel can probably gather more information so that it can cause even more damage to Hamas and eliminate it from its roots.

People living illegally in any country are called illegal citizens. Similarly, PU Research Center has also claimed that about 725,000 Indians are also living illegally in the United States and this figure is only small and If fully investigated, this figure could be even higher and is obviously a matter of great concern for the United States.

Top 8 international news today ,
Top 8 international news today ,

Hamas top leader’s grandson deid in israeli attack

It has been a long time since the war between Hamas and Israel and there has been no result on either side, but in the meantime the news is coming that Jamal Mohammad Haniya, who is the grandson of Hamas’s top leader Ismail Haniya, was killed in the Israeli attack. Before his death, Ismail Haniya’s granddaughter and 30 other relatives were also killed in the attack by Israel.

Visa free entry in vietnam for indian tourists

Friends, if we have to visit any country, then we have to first get a visa there, for which sometimes we have to pay very high fees, but Vietnam has become the third country in the world which has issued visa free entry for Indians. Done

Top 8 international news today ,
Top 8 international news today ,

Till now, among the visa free countries, only Thailand and Sri Lanka were there which provided visa free entry to India, but now Vietnam has also joined this list.

Top terrorist leader aslam wazir killed by unknown man in blast

Pakistan’s President Award winner and a famous leader of Pakistan, Aslam Wazir, has been murdered in a sudden bomb blast. It is being told by the sources that this bomb blast has been done by some unknown people.
Aslam Wazir is known for testifying against India and spewing venom against India. International media also says that Pakistan Terrorist has given its leader a very capable leader.

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